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Wine Tasting Down the Danube

Seven weeks out from our most important event of the year, Wine and Fine Things, we’re YEARNING to know what you like and eager to have you with us for the big event. Look, it’s not as if we’re all Neanderthals around here…at Wine and Fine Things we hope to show a little class….[Cartoon from the amazing Gary Larson].

And let’s not forget our fall Cruise Season Wine Tasting! This week we’ll amble along the Danube, taking in only three stops: Vienna, Bratislava and Budapest.

Three countries, three European capitals, four wines, starting with wines served everyday in Austrian’s favorite Grüner Vetliner (white) and Zweigelt (a high tannin, sharp red). Next we’ll serve a Slovakian wine — either a traditional method wine or possibly one of their more esoteric products. And in Budapest we’ll settle for a Tokaji, from Hungary’s most well known eponymous wine region.

So Cro Magnons like us, Unite!

—Maggie O’Brien