Today is Father’s Day, when we stop to celebrate our fathers.
If you think you have nothing in common with other people, think again. If there are eight billion people now on the earth, all eight billion have at least two things in common: we all had a mother, and we all had a father.
Mother’s day has its roots in pagan celebrations and has a long start over Father’s Day. Yet, in the United States, the celebration dates to the same general time of the early 1900’s. I find it interesting to think about my grandparent’s Father’s Days, and whether my parents gave them cards or gifts. In my own family, my father was always given a comb, the bigger the better. This was, of course, because he was bald.
The lore has it that dad’s love beer; it’s moms who like wine. But we know lots of dads who like wine just as much, so here’s toasting the wine imbibers among them all — aw, heck, might as well just raise a toast to all dads. There are, after all, a few things in life more important than wine.